Kathryn Spillane Kathryn Spillane

They Left Everything Behind—Discover the Incredible Journey of the Handy Family

The Handy family’s story is one of faith, resilience, and perseverance—a journey that took them from the rolling hills of Warwickshire, England, to the vast plains of the American West. Along the way, Samuel and Hannah Handy, along with their children, faced immense hardship, but their unwavering faith and determination carried them through. This is the story of a family who paved the way for future generations, leaving behind a legacy of strength and unity.

The Early Years in England

Samuel Handy was born in 1819 in Alveston, Warwickshire, England, to Joseph Handy and Rebecca Harris. The family lived a modest life, deeply rooted in the working-class countryside. Samuel's father was a well-respected farmer and bailiff, and it was through this upbringing that Samuel learned the value of hard work.

In 1841, Samuel married Hannah Watts, a young woman from Gloucestershire who had also grown up working the land. Together, they settled in various locations around Warwickshire, with Samuel working for local farmers and millers, while Hannah managed the household and took on backbreaking farm work. The family faced poverty for many years, surviving on meager food rations and the little income Samuel could provide. Despite these challenges, they remained hopeful and steadfast in their faith.

Samuel & Hannah Marriage Record

A New Faith and the Decision to Leave England

The turning point in their lives came in 1852 when Samuel and Hannah were introduced to the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). After hearing a sermon from a Mormon elder, the Handys were baptized into the faith, a decision that would shape the rest of their lives. However, their newfound faith was not welcomed by everyone in their community, and the family faced opposition and isolation.

In 1855, with the help of Samuel’s family, the Handys saved enough money to emigrate to America, where they hoped to join other members of the Mormon Church. It was a daunting decision, but their faith in the gospel and hope for a better life fueled their determination to leave everything behind and start anew.

The Journey to America

Cynosure Manifest

The family set sail from Liverpool in July 1855 aboard the ship Cynosure, along with hundreds of other Mormon emigrants. After a difficult six-week voyage across the Atlantic, they arrived at Castle Garden in New York with only $15 to their name. The journey was just beginning, and hardship followed them almost immediately. Their son Joseph fell ill and tragically passed away just days after they arrived in America.

From New York, the family moved to Williamsburg, where Samuel struggled for months to find work. The winter was harsh, and food was scarce. Eventually, Samuel secured a job chopping cordwood in Toms River, New Jersey, which allowed the family to survive and save for their next move.

A New Beginning in Iowa City

In the spring of 1857, the Handy family moved to Iowa City, a major jumping-off point for Mormon pioneers heading west. Here, they found support from the local Mormon branch, and Samuel took on any work he could find, from sawing wood to odd jobs around the community. Despite the hardships, the family began to rebuild, and slowly, they saved enough to prepare for their final journey west to Utah.

The Trek to Utah

In 1859, the Handys were finally ready to make the journey to Utah. With a yoke of oxen and a wagon they had purchased with their hard-earned money, the family set off across the plains. Their journey was grueling, but they were fortunate to travel with other Mormon emigrants, and they relied on each other for support. By the time they reached Florence, Nebraska, they were in good spirits and ready to tackle the final leg of their journey.

In September 1859, the Handy family arrived in Utah, where they settled in Provo. Samuel worked hard to provide for his family, taking on jobs such as hauling wood and working at the Tithing Office. Over time, the family’s circumstances improved, and they began to prosper in their new home.

Pioneering in Cache Valley

In 1860, Samuel, Hannah, and their children joined other Mormon settlers in moving to Cache Valley, where they helped establish the community of Franklin. Life in Cache Valley was harsh, with cold winters and the constant threat of conflict with local Native American tribes. Samuel was even taken prisoner by a group of Shoshone Indians at one point, an experience that left him injured but not broken. Despite these challenges, the family thrived in Franklin, helping to build important community structures like the meeting house and school.

Samuel captured

A Legacy of Faith and Perseverance

The years that followed were marked by both prosperity and hardship. The family faced crop failures due to grasshoppers and epidemics like diphtheria, but through it all, their faith and unity remained strong. Samuel Handy passed away in 1882 after a tragic accident, but his legacy lived on through his children and the community he helped build.

The Handy family’s journey from Warwickshire to Utah is a testament to the power of faith, hard work, and resilience. They faced unimaginable trials, but their belief in something greater than themselves carried them through. Today, their story serves as an inspiration to their descendants and to anyone who seeks to understand the power of perseverance.

Unlock the Full Story:

Follow me on Instagram for an in-depth look at the Handy family’s remarkable journey. I’m uncovering never-before-told details about their struggles, triumphs, and the faith that carried them through it all. Join me as we explore every chapter of their epic adventure from England to Utah!

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Kathryn Spillane Kathryn Spillane

Meet Virginia

In my last blog, I introduced you to a family in Mississippi—a family whose resilience and story captured my heart. Today, though, we’ll dive into something even broader. Over the years, I’ve built a family tree with 1,627 people, each one a thread in the intricate tapestry of history. As we continue this journey, I’ll introduce you to some of these individuals, tell their stories, and share how I found them.

This journey will take us across oceans and through centuries. From the quiet villages of England to the vast expanses of the American Midwest, we’ll meet pioneers of early Mormonism and settlers chasing new lives. These stories are more than names on paper—they’re lives that were lived, decisions that were made, and legacies that have been passed down through generations.

As we move forward, I’ll also be sharing the tools and methods I used to uncover these histories. Whether it was through navigating parish records, digging through census data, or piecing together fragmented family lore, I’ll show you how each discovery came about. Genealogy is a puzzle, and every story, every ancestor, fits into a bigger picture. I’ll provide insights into the research techniques that have helped me uncover these lives and hopefully give you tips that can help with your own family tree.

This journey isn’t just about celebrating the past. It’s also about learning from it. We’ll explore moments of triumph, but we’ll also confront the uncomfortable truths that sometimes surface in family histories. By understanding these stories, we learn more about the world we live in and how it has shaped us.

So, let me take you on a new journey. Meet Virginia—my Virginia, filled with history, family, and discovery.

Stay with me as we tell these stories, learn some history, and pick up invaluable research techniques. Together, we’ll bring the past to life and uncover the legacies that connect us all.

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Kathryn Spillane Kathryn Spillane

Unearthing the Unseen: Tracing African American Roots Through Mississippi’s Segregated Past

As a genealogist, I often have the privilege of unraveling family histories that run deep, but my current assignment holds particular significance. I’m working on tracing the roots of an African American family whose origins lie in Mississippi—a state rich in history but also steeped in the harsh realities of America’s past.

Through meticulous research, I’ve been able to trace their lineage back five generations, which is not always possible for African American families due to the tragic realities of slavery, segregation, and the erasure of records. It’s both rewarding and sobering to uncover these deep roots. So far, I’ve come across records that speak volumes—segregated school lists as recent as the 1930s and hospital admissons’s labeled as "colored" admissions as recent as the 1960’s. These are some of the things I’ve discovered so far, but I’m still researching and continuing to uncover specific, detailed stories of various ancestors that shed even more light on their lived experiences.

A 1936 List of Educable Children from Jackson's 'Colored' School District.

A 1950s Hospital Admission Record Divided by Race

This work serves as a stark reminder that the impact of segregation and discrimination didn’t end with slavery—it endured through Jim Crow and well into the lives of today’s parents and grandparents. We hear far too often the sentiment, “Slavery wasn’t around when we were, so get over it.” But the reality is, this was. This is. Their parents and grandparents were directly impacted, and their stories demand to be told. Genealogy serves as a crucial historical reminder of this truth and a call to learn and grow from the lessons of the past.

As I continue this journey, I find myself asking—should I provide updates as I uncover more details about this family’s story? There’s so much more to explore, and sharing these discoveries may serve as both an educational tool and a way to honor the strength of this family’s legacy.

What do you think? Should I keep you posted on this family’s history as it unfolds?

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Kathryn Spillane Kathryn Spillane

Welcome to "Tales from the Roots" - Where History Meets Mystery!

Hello and welcome, fellow history enthusiasts! I’m Kathryn, your guide and confidante on this journey into the winding paths of our ancestry. Here at "Tales from the Roots," we delve into the enchanting world of genealogy, where every discovery has a story and every story deserves to be told.

As a Virginia native with deep roots in the historic landscapes of Jamestown and the Civil War, my fascination with history started as a child. I grew up surrounded by stories of the past, the land echoing with the footsteps of those who walked it centuries ago. This blog is my way of extending that fascination to you, through tales that not only enlighten but entertain.

Why Genealogy?

Genealogy is more than just tracing lineage or filling out sections of a family tree. It’s about connecting with the people behind the names, understanding their lives, and perhaps, through them, understanding ourselves a little better. It's about discovering the rogue, the scholar, the pioneer, and the ordinary person with extraordinary stories. Here, we don't just dust off old records; we breathe life into them, piecing together narratives that time almost forgot.

Launching "Tales from the Roots"

For a long time, I've been gearing up to formally launch "Tales from the Roots." I found myself waiting for the perfect moment to unveil the histories and mysteries I’ve cherished exploring. But then it struck me—what am I waiting for? There’s never a perfect time to start sharing the passions that stir our souls. So, here we are, no more waiting. It’s time to dive into the depths of our histories together!

What to Expect from "Tales from the Roots"

Each post on this blog will take you on a treasure hunt through time. From uncovering the scandalous escapades of a wayward ancestor to revealing the heroic deeds of forgotten figures, our explorations will span the gamut of human emotion and historical significance.

Deep Dives into Family Sagas: Get ready for gripping accounts of love, betrayal, hardship, and triumph.

Spotlight on Historical Figures: Ever wondered about the familial influences of prominent figures? We’ll connect the dots together.

Tips and Tricks for Aspiring Genealogists: Whether you’re a seasoned historian or a curious newcomer, you’ll find practical advice to navigate your own genealogical research.

Surprising Discoveries: Sometimes, what we find is not what we expect. But that's the thrill of the chase!

Join the Community

This blog is also a space for you to engage and share your thoughts. Found something intriguing in your family history? Have a question about starting your genealogical journey? Drop a comment, send an email, or just say hi!

So, whether you're here to uncover the secrets of your own family or simply to enjoy stories of the past, I invite you to buckle up and enjoy the ride. History isn’t just about dates and facts. It’s about lives lived, the marks they left behind, and the tales they inspire. Let's discover these stories together at "Tales from the Roots."

Here’s to uncovering the hidden stories that make us who we are—welcome aboard!

Hello and welcome, fellow history enthusiasts! I’m Kathryn, your guide and confidante on this journey into the winding paths of our ancestry. Here at "Tales from the Roots," z delve into the enchanting world of genealogy, where every discovery has a story and every story deserves to be told.

As a Virginia native with deep roots in the historic landscapes of Jamestown and the Civil War, my fascination with history started as a child. I grew up surrounded by stories of the past, the land echoing with the footsteps of those who walked it centuries ago. This blog is my way of extending that fascination to you, through tales that not only enlighten but entertain.

Why Genealogy?

Genealogy is more than just tracing lineage or filling out sections of a family tree. It’s about connecting with the people behind the names, understanding their lives, and perhaps, through them, understanding ourselves a little better. It's about discovering the rogue, the scholar, the pioneer, and the ordinary person with extraordinary stories. Here, we don't just dust off old records; we breathe life into them, piecing together narratives that time almost forgot. Here, we connect the dots and see how Aunt Sally’s penchant for rebellion wasn’t just her being difficult at family dinners—maybe she got it from our thrice-great-grandpa, the notorious horse thief (allegedly).

What's on the Blog?

Each post on this blog will take you on a treasure hunt through time. From uncovering the scandalous escapades of a wayward ancestor to revealing the heroic deeds of forgotten figures, our explorations will span the gamut of human emotion and historical significance.

  • Family Sagas: Strap in for tales of love, betrayal, and unexpected family secrets that might make our current dramas seem a bit tame.

  • Historical Spotlights: We’ll spotlight how our ancestors might have influenced or stirred up historical events—because who doesn’t like a bit of historical gossip?

  • Genealogy Tips: Whether you're a pro or just starting to wonder about your roots, you’ll find nuggets of advice to help you dig deeper.

  • Surprise Finds: We’ll celebrate those "No way!" moments that often come when you least expect them in genealogy.

Join the Conversation

Have a burning question about your great-uncle's mysterious past? Or perhaps you’ve stumbled upon a family legend that’s too juicy not to share? Leave a comment, visit our Instagram, or just swing by to say hello. This blog is all about collaboration and curiosity, so don't be shy—your stories and questions might just spark our next intriguing post. Let's keep the dialogue lively and the historical revelations coming!

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